『中国古銭 銀幣銅様 鑑定機関鑑賞ケース入り 1908年 福建官局 海底打撈品 原卷鑒定 6022』はYahoo!オークション(旧ヤフオク!)でespoirbelltree0308から出品され、244の入札を集めて2024-12-29 18:12:26に、4080.00円で落札されました。即決価格は4080.00円でした。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。東京都からの発送料は出品者(espoirbelltree0308)が負担しました。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、送料無料、新品、即買でした。
海底沈没船の引き上げた会社は1社が海洋に力を集中することで、湖などは沈没して引き上げて、船が救援する多い機能海洋船舶サービス会社は、会社はそれぞれ台湾と日本に登記して、主なサービス地区はアジアおよび東南アジア地区海域および内海の湖の波として、20の長い間はよくお客様の信頼とひた押しの崇を受ける。 近年では台湾海峡(TaiwanStrait)にあって、概略北緯は24.4回東経119.6回122.4回の地域に23.9回到達して、一連の中国と古代朝鮮の沈没船を見付けて、見つかって並びに確定する船は数量的に53個として、概略年代は1130年の---1900年は、水が出た年代を引き上げることから、スパンが800の晩年に近いと推論して、早期の東アジア商船で、磁、茶の葉、絹織物のたぐいの貿易物資を運送して、種々の原因、沈みの台湾海峡および日本海地域、私たちの投資家によって3年あまりを経過する引き上げは作業して、近日は少しの熟睡海底の秘蔵の宝物を整理し出して、初回馬蹄銀がちょっと列を作り出して、初めてネットワークに取引きを競売することを特別に許可して、この度の機会をどうぞ. Without any cleaning at the bottom of the sea of the original state. Submarine Salvage Company is a multi functional ocean shipping Service Company that devotes to raising the sunken ship to the surface of the ocean and lake. It has been registered in Taiwan and Japan mainly servicing the sea area and inland sea lakes in Asia and Southeast Asia. Since these 20 plus years it has been deeply entrusted and highly praised by customers. In recent years it has found out a series of Chinese and ancient Korean sunken ships in Taiwan Strait namely 23.9 degrees to 24.4 degrees north latitude and 119.6 degrees to 122.4 degrees east longitude. The number of the ship that has been found out and certified is 53 originating from the age of about 1130 to 1900. Judging from the age of salvaging out of the water they have crossed over 800 years which were the East Asian merchant ships in early times being used for shipping the trading goods such as chinaware tea leaf and silk. For various reasons these ships sunk into the Taiwan Strait and the Sea of Japan. Through three years’ salvage procedure our investors have recently collected some treasures that lying at the bottom of the sea. Now we promote a first batch of silver ingot franchising the auction and transaction online for the first time. Please do not miss such a good opportunity. Important please read patiently Our company is engaged in fishing coastal strip scrap metal recycling business starting in 1994 from the bottom of the sea are salvaged some iron ingot pieces of silver etc. so we sort out on eba trading if the customer like the pieces of silver you can contact us in advance. Most of the pieces of silver from the seabed also have individual projects is to buy other metal recycling company after all through our professional testing silver content in 94% to 98%. And of course we are a beginner some pieces of silver is after we washed because there's a very heavy rust bottom sludge aquatic plants etc. the serious influence to distinguish form so we will be a moderate amount of cleaning we also know that the buyer will want to complete the initial state we will keep. If you receive a project not what you like you can return within 7 days no problem we will return the full cost. About the delivery Our basic daily work in Japan Singapore Taiwan the south China sea we may delivery from these areas but basically in the 5-10 working days can arrive at any place About the payment We are very much like to accept PAYPAL but if the amount is huge if more than $5000 for the sake of safety please negotiate with our company. About the secret We built our own web site and each project can query on the site if you buy the pieces of silver don't want to be shown after clinching a deal can contact us we will delete all data. Anyway we will be friends cheers! ...
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